Monday, July 12, 2010

why rudy has high blood pressure and some thoughts

ive known rudy since i was 12 year old. he was about 19 or 20 and living in his van down at smith rocks. he was always one of the most supportive guys at the crag and really took me on some adventures down there. he has always been the first one to offer up his knowledge of rock climbing to younger guns and has always been there for those in need. christine ruana, rudy's wife, used to take me to the gym when i was younger. she lived by my mom and i would walk over to her apartment and she would drive me down there. back in the day she was a hard 5.12 climber in her own right. she always had the best technique on the wall. i see where drew gets his precision.
i now have the opportunity to work with their kids. all three of them couldnt be more different. drew looks at things more closely than most. he is super meticulous about his training and approach to climbing. jon-o is the total opposite, he is more of the put your head down and go until it hits something, back up, go again, hit something, go again, and go again until he is unconscious. but sooner or later, he will send, and more powerfully than most. sarah (3 yrs) can already traverse the gym on the foot holds. she loves the climbing and hanging out with her brothers. she pretty much is spoiled rotten and will get whoever and whatever she wants in years to come. i cannot wait until she is ready for team.
someone a little while ago told me that people were saying that i was playing favorites with drew on team. i was pretty upset. it really hurt me. rudy and his family have been key parts in my life for 20 years, and i treat them as family. he and his future wife looked out for me when i was younger. down at smith without my family and here in the city. i feel very close to them and always will. say what you want, but stop saying it behind my back. before you insult my integrity, find out the story.

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